As we reported, earlier this week the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) decided that it would not exercise jurisdiction with respect to the representation petition filed by the College Athlete Players Association seeking to represent the scholarship members of the Northwestern University football team. The Board did not answer the question of whether it considered the team members to be employees of the university and explained that for policy reasons it was not answering the critical questions at this time. It did however make clear that it might well do ...
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- FMCS Services Curtailed Pursuant to Executive Order
- Major Changes at the NLRB: A New Acting General Counsel, the Rescission of Biden-Era General Counsel Memoranda, and the Disappearing-Reappearing Quorum
- President’s Termination of NLRB General Counsel and Member - What Does This Mean?
- NLRB Finds Lawful Employer Statements to Employees Are Unlawful Going Forward
- NLRB General Counsel Calls for Harsh Remedies for Employers Requiring Non-Competes, "Stay or Pay" Provisions